Say no to Surgery of Adenoid – Homeopathic Medicines are the Best for your child

Homeopathic Medicines for Enlarged Adenoids

What are adenoids?

Adenoids refer to the mass of lymphatic tissue located at the junction of the back of the nose and throat. They are a part of the body’s immune system and play a major role in fighting infections in children.

What is their role in the body?

Adenoids help fight off the bacteria and virus that enter the body via the nose. They normally grow to 5-7years of age and thereafter, they start to shrink. They disappear around teenage. This is the physiological growth and regression of the adenoids. Adenoids are needed only until the child reaches his teenage years. By that time, the other immune system is mature enough to fight infections and disease. The adenoids, which are no longer needed, regress and disappear.

Why do adenoids get enlarged?

Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections and nasal allergies can cause adenoids to grow large. On the physical level, as soon as the germs enter via the nose, adenoids trap them and fight them down. In this process, the adenoids get temporarily swollen. With time, this swelling reduces and they come back to their original size. However, if the infections are recurrent, the adenoids, due to constant swelling, are unable to return to normal size and get permanently enlarged.

Why are enlarged adenoids a problem?

Enlarged adenoids are a problem because of many of the bothersome symptoms they lead to in a child. The major among these are breathing through the mouth and snoring due to nasal blockage. The children find it difficult to concentrate and feel drowsy and sleepy during the day. In their most severe form, enlarged adenoids cause sleep apnea where momentary pauses in breathing arise during sleep. Another complication with great discomfort associated with enlarged adenoids is ear infections and difficulties in hearing. In fact, persistently enlarged adenoids retard the overall development of the child.

Can Homeopathy treat enlarged adenoids?

Homeopathic medicines are a natural and safe alternative to surgery in children with enlarged adenoids. Adenoids, when surgically removed, have the tendency to regrow, it has been noted. Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, are focused on strengthening the child’s immune system. Once the immunity is strong, the child becomes less susceptible to recurrent respiratory infections. Once this key factor leading to enlarged adenoids is treated, the adenoids get the time to shrink and go back to their normal size.

We all have adenoids, but do adenoids get enlarged in all of us too?

Adenoids are present in each and every child. They act as the first line of defence in the body along with tonsils. However, this does not mean that adenoids will get enlarged in every child. They will only get enlarged in case of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. The tendency to catch an infection again and again puts the child at a greater risk for enlarged adenoids. The adenoids could get enlarged in varying degree, ranging from mild to moderate to severe.

How can I tell that my child has enlarged adenoids?

There is a set of symptoms that can collectively help you know if your child has enlarged adenoids. Persistent nasal blockage and mouth breathing is a major symptom. Other symptoms include snoring, sleep apnea (momentary pauses in breathing during sleep), nasal voice, dry mouth, offensive breath and enlarged glands in the neck. In addition to this, ear-related complaints such as deafness and ear infections may also arise. A history of recurrent tendency to upper respiratory tract infection is often found in such cases. These are the clinical symptoms that help diagnosis. An X-ray is, however, needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Which Homeopathic medicines do you prescribe to stop recurrent infections in children with adenoids?

Tuberculinum and Psorinum are two big names among Homeopathic medicines to treat recurrent infections that cause adenoids to enlarge in children. They work to strengthen the body’s immune system, which in turn makes the child less susceptible to infections.

Homeopathic Medicines for Enlarged Adenoids

Baryta Carb – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for enlarged adenoids

Baryta Carb is one of the top listed Homeopathic medicines for enlarged adenoids. It is also the medicine to prescribe where both the tonsils and adenoids are enlarged. The child feels sensitivity to cold in extremes. The slightest exposure to cold air causes cough. Cough also appears at the slightest change in weather. Sneezing and thick yellow nasal discharge may also be seen. Pain in the throat worsens on swallowing. The mouth gives off an offensive odour. The child may be physically dull and sluggish. Offensive sweat in the feet is an attending symptom.

Calcarea Carb – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for enlarged adenoids with tendency to catch cold

Calcarea Carb is another wonderful Homeopathic medicine for enlarged adenoids with a tendency to catch cold. Calcarea Carb will be prescribed where the child is highly susceptible to cold and falls sick after every such exposure. This chronic tendency to infections results in enlarged adenoids or tonsils. Such children also tend to perspire excessively on the scalp and have a fatty, flabby constitution. He/she may also be highly irritable and obstinate. A desire for indigestible things like chalk, clay, lime is observed in such cases.

Agraphis Nutans And Merc Sol – Best Homeopathic medicines for enlarged adenoids with ear complaints

Agraphis Nutans and Merc Sol are very useful Homeopathic medicines for treating ear complaints resulting from enlarged adenoids. Agraphis Nutans is the best treatment for deafness due to enlarged adenoids. Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol is well indicated in case of an ear infection associated with enlarged adenoids. Pus-like, thick, yellow, sometimes blood tinged watery discharge from the ear is observed in such cases. The discharge may be fetid or offensive in nature. Pain in the ear may be present. Ear complaints worsen during the night. Noises like whistling sounds may be heard along with the ear infection.

Kali Sulphuricum – Prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for adenoids that regrow after surgery

Kali Sulphuricum is one amongst the top listed Homeopathic medicines for adenoids that regrow after surgery. The symptoms guiding use of Kali Sulphuricum are a blocked nose, mouth breathing and snoring. Yellow coloured nasal discharge may be observed.

Ammonium Carb and Sambucus Nigra – Remarkable Homeopathic medicines for enlarged adenoids with marked nasal blockage

Ammonium Carb and Sambucus Nigra are greatly beneficial Homeopathic medicines for enlarged adenoids. A child that needs these medicines will have intense nasal blockage. The nasal obstruction is most marked at night. Mouth breathing due to a blocked nose is pronounced. Ammonium Carb is also indicated for nose bleeding, especially in the morning.

Opium and China Officinalis – Effective Homeopathic medicines for snoring due to enlarged adenoids

Opium ad China Officinalis are well indicated Homeopathic medicines for snoring from enlarged adenoids. Opium is used in case of deep snoring with rattling, stertorous breathing. Frequent momentary pauses in breathing while sleeping may be noted. Homeopathic medicine China Officinalis is considered where there is heavy snoring with moaning and whining in sleep. The child has disturbed sleep and wakes up unrefreshed in the morning. He feels sleepy and excessively drowsy during the day.

Tuberculinum and Psorinum – Homeopathic medicines for treating recurrent infections causing enlarged adenoids

Tuberculinum and Psorinum are very effective Homeopathic medicines to help build a child’s immunity so he does not catch infections repeatedly. Such children are very sensitive to weather changes susceptible to infections. They frequently suffer from sore throats, colds and upper respiratory tract infections. These medicines are given in the chronic phase of Homeopathic treatment when no active infection is present. They strengthen the body’s immune system. It deserves mention here that Tuberculinum and Psorinum are the medicines a Homeopath prescribes when the most well selected medicines for enlarged adenoids fail to show results. These medicines are know to show remarkable recovery in such cases.