Term and conditions

Cancellations and Returns

If I request for a replacement, when will I get it?

Which products are not eligible for returns?

Can items be returned after the time period mentioned in the seller’s Returns Policy?

Do I have to return the freebie when I return a product?

How do returns work?

I see the ‘Cancel’ button but I can’t click on it. Why?

What is the Buyer Protection policy?

What should I do if I have an issue with my product after the return period?

What are the checks done for an item that I’m returning?

How can I return or exchange an item?

When is a return of an item not possible?

How can I know the status of my refund?

What are the modes of refund available after cancellation?

When are refunds given?

I ordered a wrong item. Can I return it?

What should I do if I find the package open or tampered on delivery?

Can I change the address for the pick-up the of item(s) in my order?

Why have I been asked to ship the item?

What is the pickup process?

I have requested for a return for my item. When will it happen?

I have requested a replacement, when will I get it?

I’ve still not received the refund in my bank account.

What are the refund timelines if I cancel or return a product?

How will I get my refund for returning an item I paid for using ‘Cash on Delivery’ mode?

I have not received the reimbursement of my courier charges. What should I do?

How will I get my refund for returning an item I paid for with Cash on Delivery?

How long does it take to cancel an order?