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Melasma / pigmentation cure

ऑनलाइन appointment लेने के लिए आप हमे इस नंबर पर संपर्क कीजिये ! Dr Prateek chauhan 8218 78 5614 80770 96228 Time – 10am to 5pm यहाँ आपसे हमारे assistant बात करेंगी तथा ऑनलाइन प्रोसैस समझाएंगी ! Some successful casese – aprox 13 month aprox 15 month only 3 month

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation 1. For Premature Ejaculation followed by Great Weakness Natural medicines for premature ejaculation followed by great weakness are China, Graphites, Staphysagria and Selenium. China has a very effective action when quick and early emissions are followed with great weakness. Getting excited easily and having lascivious thoughts all the time […]

Best Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Best Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Top Homeopathic Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Weakness ( inpotancy ) 1. Agnus Castus: For absolute Erectile Dysfunction Although various medicines are used to treat Erectile Dysfunction, it is Agnus Castus that is considered the top remedy. Agnus Castus is used in cases where there is complete inability to […]

Berberis aquifolium uses side-effect and doses in hindi

Berberis aquifolium uses side-effect यह mother tincture जितना फ्रेश होगा , उतना ही अच्छा काम करेगा , पुराना काम नहीं करेगा ! फ्रेश mother tincture की कीमत लगभग 350 रुपया प्रति 15 ml आती है जो 15 से 20 दिन चलता है ! अगर आप फ्रेश mother tincture हमसे लेना चाहते हैं तो 1 महीने का […]

Premature ejaculation in English

Premature ejaculation in English Premature ejaculation is a term used for uncontrollable emissions occurring before or shortly after sexual penetration. They happen to occur very soon, at times, even before sexual stimulation begins.। शीघ्र पतन का सबसे अच्छा उपचार [ हिन्दी मे यहाँ क्लिक करें ] Homeopathic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation Homeopathy is a very […]